Account Security is a shared responsibility.
We employ cutting-edge security measures to safeguard the information and funds our customers entrust to us. However, account security is a shared responsibility. We strongly encourage our Account Holders to adhere to these online security Best Practices.
- Make your passwords strong by mixing things up. Use lower and upper case letters, numbers, and symbols.
- Do not use personal information such as your birthday, pet's name, address, etc. in your passwords.
- Change your passwords regularly (e.g., once every 3 months).
- Never share your passwords with others at work or at home.
- Never provide your passwords in an email or unsolicited phone call.
- Do not write your passwords down or keep them near your computer.
- Avoid using the "save ID and Password" option.
For more information, visit the FDIC’s Consumer Protection Resource Center.
- Educate all employees about online security risks (suspicious emails, high-risk websites) and cybercrimes.
- Use a dedicated computer exclusively for online banking and cash management activity. Do not use this computer for general web browsing, email or social networking.
- Use anti-virus/anti-spyware programs to scan your computer regularly.
- Install routers and firewalls; use multi-layered security software.
- Initiate payments under dual control when originating ACH or wire transfers through online banking.
- Reconcile bank accounts daily or review pending or recently sent ACH files and wire transfers.
- Be alert to unusual computer incidents: rebooting or restarting, greatly reduced speed, lock up/freezing, different screen views, message pop-ups in the middle of a session, new toolbars or icons, inability to shut down or restart.
For more information, visit Nacha’s Corporate Account Takeover Resource Center.